readChannelID = 123456; readAPIKey = 'ABCDE'; WeightFieldID = 1; TemperatureFieldID = 3; AnzTage = 60; Messintervall = 15; %in Minuten AnzahlMesswerte = AnzTage * 24 * 60 / Messintervall; [data, timeStamps] = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID, 'Fields',[WeightFieldID TemperatureFieldID], ... 'NumPoints', AnzahlMesswerte, ... 'ReadKey', readAPIKey); % Extract the temperature data from the first column WeightData = data(:, 1);%/1000; % Extract the windspeed data from the second column TemperatureData = data(:, 2); % Visualize Data yyaxis left plot(timeStamps, WeightData,'LineWidth', 2); ylabel('Gewicht [kg]'); yyaxis right plot(timeStamps, TemperatureData,'LineWidth', 2); ylabel('Außentemperatur [°C]'); title('Außentemperatur und Gewicht (Langzeit)'); grid on